Coooler bag - and how to sew insulation (thermal) foam

My friend asked me to sew her a cooler bag. OK, I like challenges - but insulation foam is one of the worst materials to sew. It's thick (3 mm) and stiff, and you have practically only one chance to sew pieces together - the needle leaves holes and its impossible to remove thread and try again, because you can literally cut off the edge with the sewing machine. It's also highly recommended to use walking  foot. And of course it's better to sew simple boxes. But my friend wanted a pretty bag with rounded corners.

So, a was thinking for a long time and finally found a way - requiring much effort and time, but really satisfying. I hemmed  all the edges of the foam with cotton bias tape and sewed them together by hand on the wrong side:

Inside it looks like that:

And this is the inside box:


And the ready cooler - its's just a foam bag in the textile bag, sewn together along the zipper:
